Turn to this?
Today I was reading on wikipedia. I didn't get it... I understand that mustard seeds are ground into a fine powder, than they do something to it, which was not mentioned, to make mustard. The history of this condiment is some greek thing, which I don't understand much as well... "The Romans probably developed the prepared mustards we know today. They mixed unfermented grape juice, known as "must," with ground mustard seeds (called sinapis) to make "burning must", mustum ardens—hence "must ard"." Thats what they said, Why do you have unfermented grape juice in this condiment and where did the ardens come from? Ah well, I'm gonna try not to bother about this and get myself all confused, from what I think I understand is that they grind the mustard seeds and add grape juice???
I know it taste good with hot dog & sausage,lol.
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