Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Carbonated Coffee

Yea the title is partially true. Today, Merrick, Wei Zhuang, Jared and I were walking home, together. When we walked past a store, we decided to get something to drink. Merrick got F&N orange, Wei Zhuang got Crysantemem tea(did I spell that right?), Jared didnt get anything and, I, couldn't decide, so I grabbed the first thing in front of me, Nescafe Coffee- Awful(there was no taste, just like a coloured and scented can of old milk). I drank about half of it, then Merrick asked for some, he took it and poured it in his drink(F&N orange), it looked like shit(literally), he drank some and commented,'Nice'(actually thats not what he said, but I can't remember what he said exactly...) Wei Zhuang took it and poured the F&N/coffee in his drink, he took some and said that it tasted like he added nothing at all. Following that, I can't remember why, but Merrick poured in some Crysantemem tea into his F&N/coffee and added more coffee(the rest of the can) into the drink/concoction Which kink of looked like... THIS colour(but a little darker.) He commented it tasted better, I tried some. It was AWESOME(kind of), It tasted like... uhh... Carbonated Coffee.. Pretty nice in fact.


Anonymous said...

You forgot the milo ...what are they called... tablets?..no crunchy balls of chocolate?...

Jazz it Up said...

Gee, it's a wonder u boys don't come back with a tummy ache!
It's spelled "Chrysanthemum"