I haven't posted yesterday. Thats because the computer broke down, the power box blew. Mum(sounds really squeker huh?) replaced it for $60. It's her com I'm using, partly cause I just moved here last month and I'm not unpacking it until I move to Punggol again on April. Also, it's broken down. So now I'm using mum's com or AfroToast's laptop. But, my mum made a deal with me, she'll upgrade it with 2GB RAM, a new hard drive(probably 80GB), a geforce graphics card(one of the newer one's(I haven't checked which one)) and a better sound card(I don't know which one partly cause I don't look at them). IF I pass my chinese with at least 65% and up. The upgrades and stuff will cost about $700(just like a brand new xbox 360). Now, I'm speaking chinese at home almost all the time. I'm not typing in chinese because it'll take to long with the hanyu pinging and all. Its 9.20 now and I'm sleeping in 40 minutes. This is quite a long post huh?
That should have attracted some losers to read the whole post, I hope...
hey, i'm not reading this post becos of the "boobs", u squirt!
I hope u are working real hard to win the deal. U have up to early April to do so. I am saving for the $700 now cos I know U WILL WIN!
That's not good enough, I throw in the latest game of your choices !So starts speaking chinese to everybody! YES !
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