Saturday, September 27, 2008

I Can't Decide

Supra Awesomeness...?

Or a Gibson Les Paul Sunburst?
PS: I'm using XP

Someone, Anyone, Please respond!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

moving pictures

I found out how to animate pictures so i just created this short animated looping gif. It is pretty uhh... catchy.... Ah well i just added some new stuff to the blog.

Random sentance generator

something else i want to save


This is some ad thingy that gives you money for you to put it on your blog... this is not really a post

Friday, August 22, 2008


 magnetosphere1magnetosphere2 magnetosphere3 This is Magnetosphere, an add-on for iTunes. One of the hardest to find, took me half a day looking for it, it's worth it though, It just looks awesome(Pretty Lights), awesome x kickass: magnetosphere Heh, couldn't help it, its a joke from Ctrl+Alt+Del somewhere in the archives, anyway, if you want to find it, I WON'T HELP YOU(I'm talking about magnetosphere) Good Luck. I have not updated in a long time and the theme is still not done yet. Short post...

Just words.

Last night I had dinner at Shokudo the service was good, the way they served food was interesting and the food was awesome.

When you enter the restaurant, the waiter would pass you a card, the card will record how much you spend (so you don’t need to handle cash or small change (or so you will forget how much you spend and end up overspending)) so it is easier and more convenient.

The staff was very kind and patient, even though I might have spoken quite soft, they were very patient and did not get irritated.

I had Soba, TeppanYaki beef and bean sprout, beef kebab, unagi fried rice followed by an awesome waffle. The Soba was not the best but it was still great, the noodles were a bit soft. After that, Mum ordered Beef kebab, some scallop kebab thing and mixed vegetables. I did not try the scallop kebab though. The Beef kebab was very tender and there was some kind of sweet sauce on it, I enjoyed it a lot. I only took some of the bean sprouts from the mixed vegetables though. Bezner also ordered a plate of unagi fried rice, it wasn’t just any normal fried rice, it was wrapped in an omelette, which was glazed with sauce (I think it was mayonnaise and cheese but I’m not sure). When I bit into it, the flavor of the fried rice poured out all over my mouth. Afterwards, I went to get myself TeppanYaki beef and Bean sprouts. It was great, the Beef was really tender (because it cost $10.80 for a small plate) and it was dipped into garlic sauce, which was sweet, when I bit into the beef, the garlic sauce mixed with the juice oozed out into my mouth. The bean sprouts were good but it was very common outside, it was basically just fried bean sprouts (but they did it very well). Then it was time for desert, waffles with syrup and butter. The waffles were fluffy and warm, when I bit into it, the syrup spilled and oozed all over my mouth, really sweet and tasty.

Overall, it was one of the best dinners I had so far. I hope to go there again. The only thing that shocked us was when we saw the bill…

Monday, August 4, 2008


How does This

Turn to this?

Today I was reading on wikipedia. I didn't get it... I understand that mustard seeds are ground into a fine powder, than they do something to it, which was not mentioned, to make mustard. The history of this condiment is some greek thing, which I don't understand much as well... "The Romans probably developed the prepared mustards we know today. They mixed unfermented grape juice, known as "must," with ground mustard seeds (called sinapis) to make "burning must", mustum ardens—hence "must ard"." Thats what they said, Why do you have unfermented grape juice in this condiment and where did the ardens come from? Ah well, I'm gonna try not to bother about this and get myself all confused, from what I think I understand is that they grind the mustard seeds and add grape juice???

Friday, August 1, 2008


I was bored41%

45% Geek


How long could you survive in the vacuum of space?
Congrats! You could survive for 1 minute 29 seconds !

In the first 30 seconds any fluid on the surface of your body would begin to boil due to lack of ambient pressure, this includes the saliva on your tongue and the moisture in your eyes. Your eardrums would most likely burst due to the pressure in your body trying to equalize with the vacuum outside. Unlike what some science fiction films have suggested, your body would not explode.

After the first 15 seconds you would lose consciousness. If you held your breath you could potentially stay alive longer but you risk pulmonary trauma. If you didn't hold your breath you'd pass out sooner, but your lungs might have a better chance of avoiding permanent damage.

The pressure in your veins would rise until your heart no longer had the capacity to pump blood, at which point you'd die

How Long Could You Survive Trapped In Your Own Home?

185 WATTS Body Battery Calculator - Find Out How Much Electricity Your Body is Producing - OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widget

2,426,760How Many Germs Live On Your Keyboard?

JustSayHi - Science Quiz

The Caffeine Click Test - How Caffeinated Are You?



$4515.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth.

The Blog-O-Cuss Meter - Do you cuss a lot in your blog or website?

How many cannibals could your body feed?

Name That Robot



OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

OnePlusYou Quizzes and Widgets

Name That Code

56I cheated


10%How Addicted to Apple Are You?

150,365 People


28%How Addicted to Blogging Are You?



What's Your Blog Wanted For?


Its hard... real hard

How Much Do You Hate Myspace?

Yea... i dont watch disney stuff...

Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I had lunch today(just kidding). It was Pan Fried Potatoes of Kickass and Awesome's Sausage. The sausage was awesome, juicy, tasty, awesome, awesome(did i already say that?) and awesome. As I bit into it, juice squirted out of it, nice warm tasty juice(i know what you're thinking). The Pan fried potatoes were nice crunchy salty and everything nice, Unexplainably nice, too good for words and all that kind of cra- stuff. Yes so I had Lunch of awesome, even the plates width' was AWESOME by KICKASS. Yea... you get the point, right? PS mum prepared it.

Monday, July 28, 2008


Im lazy to finish the theme but i'll finish it SOON!!!(i know where you sleep)

Friday, July 25, 2008

Sunday, July 20, 2008

You are The Sun

Happiness, Content, Joy.

The meanings for the Sun are fairly simple and consistent.

Young, healthy, new, fresh. The brain is working, things that were muddled come clear, everything falls into place, and everything seems to go your way.

The Sun is ruled by the Sun, of course. This is the light that comes after the long dark night, Apollo to the Moon's Diana. A positive card, it promises you your day in the sun. Glory, gain, triumph, pleasure, truth, success. As the moon symbolized inspiration from the unconscious, from dreams, this card symbolizes discoveries made fully consciousness and wide awake. You have an understanding and enjoyment of science and math, beautifully constructed music, carefully reasoned philosophy. It is a card of intellect, clarity of mind, and feelings of youthful energy.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

I saw the test on this blog and this blog and i thought... why not?... So yea... Problem about this is that I don't know what sign i am... And... i don't really get it...

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Carbonated Coffee

Yea the title is partially true. Today, Merrick, Wei Zhuang, Jared and I were walking home, together. When we walked past a store, we decided to get something to drink. Merrick got F&N orange, Wei Zhuang got Crysantemem tea(did I spell that right?), Jared didnt get anything and, I, couldn't decide, so I grabbed the first thing in front of me, Nescafe Coffee- Awful(there was no taste, just like a coloured and scented can of old milk). I drank about half of it, then Merrick asked for some, he took it and poured it in his drink(F&N orange), it looked like shit(literally), he drank some and commented,'Nice'(actually thats not what he said, but I can't remember what he said exactly...) Wei Zhuang took it and poured the F&N/coffee in his drink, he took some and said that it tasted like he added nothing at all. Following that, I can't remember why, but Merrick poured in some Crysantemem tea into his F&N/coffee and added more coffee(the rest of the can) into the drink/concoction Which kink of looked like... THIS colour(but a little darker.) He commented it tasted better, I tried some. It was AWESOME(kind of), It tasted like... uhh... Carbonated Coffee.. Pretty nice in fact.

Monday, July 14, 2008



The new theme is almost ready...

Yea.. you can see what its gonna look like soon. I'm now watching History Channel-Modern Marvels-Candy. It goes into the history of... Candy. One of the companies they showed was called Hot-Lix. A candy company which makes lollipops with scorpians, worms and other bugs in them, or coat them in chocolate. Freaky... I wouldn't eat that...


Well... that didnt work out so well.. I'll just save it on a notepad somewhere on my PC.

I couldn't keep the random composition Generator... so i put it here.

Information about me and my services
Download free programs
Goto homepage of Jeroen Kessels, internet engineer

Hobby area
Email, address, and phone information

Copyright 2005 J.C. Kessels

Goto homepage of Jeroen Kessels, internet engineer
Email, address, and phone information

Sunday, July 13, 2008


yea... nothing much to post today... I'm kinda bored... Btw look at my new wallpaper


I'm still really bored. maybe i'll start working on the new theme...


short post...

A new blog post.

Can anyone see the this new font? By the way, it's calibri.

Saturday, July 12, 2008


Yea the table doesn't work so well...


This is a test post. Using Windows Live Writer. I'm getting used to the new layouts and Seeing how all these stuff don't work.

This is a table haha
I don't think i'll be using this much Lookie!!



Map image

I told you i know where you live



Well... i think thats all they have... I think i'll discover more in the future

Comps fixed.

My computer is fixed, well not really... the entire thing was changed. This is a new one. That means that i have to reinstall everyting to my computer(the 2 hour water simulation is gone). Well anyway, i will be changing the theme soon. it is halfway there...

I don't have much to post about today...

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

New theme

It's not done yet. In fact, I haven't done anything. Javon recently changed his blog skin. I got an inspiration for a new theme. But, it so happens my NEW computer just broke down yesterday... that kind of sucks... Now, i just changed the main theme, but now it's just like the default(and same as Javon's)(I'm going to stop hyperlinking his name now...). I'm not gonna start editing until my computer is fixed.
Hehe. I just got my time table. And for some reason, I suddenly got the urge to make it look neat. I don't know why. This doesn't usually happen. I think I'm gonna ask Bezner if I can use his office 2007 to edit it and reprint it. This is a rather short post.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I recently got this brand new piece of software. It's called REAL FLOW 4(or for short RF4). It simulates water through particles.. heres an example:

Please, tell me it looks nice... I spent 2 hours rendering it with an ice cube on my computer to cool it. Its only 40 frames... If you cant see, it shows 2 liquids(it has not been rendered yet, so it doesn't look so right. If i find out how to set a texture, it would both be water) splash at each other. they are launched from jets. the yellow bar on the bottom is the frames (at 30fps) and the grey thing is the slider for the frames. The number inside it is the frame number. In layman's terms, the yellow bar= time, 30= 1second.

Friday, June 27, 2008


More nuke.


I got a new Ethernet Cable, now i can connect to the internet at 100mbps and it never crashes(duh...)its 15m long. I was just playing Starcraft with jared and merrick. I got pwned...
Anyway... I created this before and after thing. With photoshop.



lol. i created a better version at school though... It's just that i couldn't send it back to myself in time. I'm not so proud of the lighting... too much bloom. I will probably 'nuke' some more places later...

Friday, June 20, 2008


I just realised somebody filled my entire shoutbox with a link of his blog....

Long Time

It's been a long time since i posted something. I got my new computer a few weeks ago, but it still can't connect to the INTRANETZ!!(internet) because the wireless adapter is pathetic. It will connect, yes, but it will not connect for long enough to even load up a web page. Even though i have a broadband speed of 56mb/ps or more(i can't remember...), i can only recieve about 5.5mb/ps at most for the time span of about 2 seconds. Anyway, the computer is good(except for the internet...), it can run counter strike source at max settings and starcraft at the same time, and the speed it tabs in and out to each other is about half a second. In C4D(cinema 4d) it can render almost anything within 1/2 a second.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

scary rick roll

awesome rick roll rick roll
I haven't posted in a long time... Dad is coming tomorrow. and i decided i should wear at least 3 watches to school daily now. I'm gonna get 2 more. I thought of wearing my tie as a bandana but it would be rather irritating... Also, Jared Javon EE and uncle alex just left from their i think 7 night stay here. Also, i got this new mint shampoo from watsons which is really refreshing-you should try it. Also, i just got new speakers for my new com but the com itself isn't here yet. well i got to go soon and i just realised wtf happened to my background image????

Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Recently my cousin Javon has been out of control with his xbox(addicted), which is really wierd cause its just an xbox. He hasn't been studying and now the xbox has been taken away from him because he always plays it. So now, it is given back to me/my brother. I realised everything was in bad condition, the thumbsticks were peeled, the games were left inside,the wires were bent, the controllers wires were twisted, all the games were scratched up and halo 2 and most wanted were not packed properly.
Also, a friend has been following me home without my consent(all fancylike). He always comes and says,"wa lou you can play everyday just lend me the xbox for today because i only can play today."- everyday. That is very irritating, the last time he came over, he and his brother hogged the xbox all the way until 6pm, Leaving me alone with nothing to do most of the time. hmmm... pineapple.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I'm at my new house now and the internet is up. Damian came over just now, he is unsure of what mmorpg to play...Flyff, rapplez, angle online... I told him to play ragnarok but he thinks that no one plays he wants to play something else. But... Flyff cannot be downloaded because there is a proxy limit to downloads and singapore uses a single proxy. Rapplez seems to have a virus and angle online is just lame. so he does not have anything to play. at home he has a almost dead Vista. And also, I hate it when i get critisized that my XP com is old and lousy(it is actually, old) and saying that their unstable Vista is pwnage and their cousin who rocks at computers because he knows how to torrent things with bittorent uses it. So... Damian is really bored at home...

Also, I recently drew MasterChief from halo 3 again for my art exam (i'm doing the contrast topic), I am drawing spartan vs spartan again... Here's a scan of the drawings...

They are a both a bit wierd because i couldn't hold it still while it was scaning and it was a A3 paper...


Friday, April 18, 2008


I haven't posted in 2 weeks... I can't remember why... I can't continue the choose your adventure now because I have no hold of Flash(my brother is using the laptop for poly.). Oh well... I managed to do a vector for a lamborghini gallardo using paper and pencil and also... ruler. And heres a scan of it.
The hatching took forever. But I think it looks kinda nice. I showed it to Damien but xavier snatched and crumpled it... Then Zhihao snatched it and crumpled it even more...

Friday, April 4, 2008

Choose your adventure.

You probably know this guy and this guy, They are creating Choose your adventures. Well, I decided to create my own to 1up Afro, and 2up Jared. Heres how it starts........
it is dark at night...

suddenly, a coin appears from no where and rolls away. You decide to follow it.

It leads you to a dark alley...

Suddenly, a group of tanned guys start marching towards you. What do you do???comment on this post and I will choose one of your comments as a way to continue the story. I will continue this the next time I update

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The Dance

Today at school I found about some competition to represent a country, my class is representing Thailand. Then, everybody who doesn't have a CCA has to do some Thai Dance, so those who have CCA get to do a slide, only one for the 11 who have CCA at that time, I mean, 9 of them could slack and 2 of them could effortlessly cook up a slide. So, I told the class commity guys to let me do a Flash, since I'm the only one who has the software in the class and I won't need to do the dance. Then, one of them suggested I do some Thai Boxing Game by next Friday. I already simplified it to two types of attacks, kick and punch, and two types of dodges, jump(to prevent being kicked) and crouch(to prevent being punched). It's going to be pretty simple but usually, I take at least a week to complete some other simpler stuff. I think I'm gonna look around the internet to see whether I can find already existing flash games to mod, which would take a few days, I need to understand how the creater of that game coded it, some people leave some comments on the side to guide people but some other people might just give you a bunch of code which you have to read through a few times before you can find the symbols names he used for each animation(or action). I probably need to ask Yu Cheng for help.


I haven't had a chance to work on anything on the game today because of Bezner (he brought the laptop out the whole day) and the laptop is the only place where I had installed Flash 8... I think he dropped his guitar or something today because he called home at around 4pm. Also, I've had flam in my throat this whole day, I drank water and tried everything, nothing worked... Anyway, I have a scan on my plan for the game...

Monday, March 31, 2008


Bezner just deleted ALL my flash documents from 2004, Now all my flash stuff is gone, all the pictures, all my Models from my old computer all my stuff, gone. Now I don't even have my Kane comic thing and Altair picture. ALL the stuff I used was deleted. It cant even be restored now because some of it was overwritten, I think some of it is still in the external hard drive but I lost all my models from my old computer including the Steyr SSG 69, I spent almost the entire school holidays doing that model, my first working scope that I got perfectly working is also gone. My only completed actionscript file was deleted, it had 137 lines of code for one frame. Also, the banner I made can no longer be fixed, because it was saved there. All of his own music was saved there anyway. RollerCoaster Tycoon 3's original exe file, almost all our game ISO's,
and some recordings were also deleted. Basically, all my stuff on the computer was deleted. I think Yu Cheng still has some of my old flash. I wanted to revert the computer for a few days but he says he will lose quite a bit of his stuff...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

I recently completed an ink for this person who was asked to draw a comic for this person who wrote some script/story to make a comic. I'm not going to post the image, partly because I haven't really exported this image as a jpeg/png, it is still actually a flash document which you guys can't view. Also, you may be reading this guy's blog and he has been asked to draw a M4 Carbine, with a ACOG 4X scope, IR lasersight, QD Sound Suppressor a drum clip and a M203 Grenade Launcher on it, well, because I have the time and software to do it, I already have a ready made 5X scope in some of my old stuff but I need to make it an ACOG. I'm actually about to work on it soon.

Friday, March 28, 2008


I just realised that my blog's skin doesnt really look right on IE. I'll try to fix it soon... Also, did you know that glsafe is afdestope

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Messy Noodles

I just saw one of the greatest youtube video, some guy got bitten by a giant camal spider his entire arm was swollen and he was bleedin a lot. heres a link, i dont feel like embedding it...

Friday, March 21, 2008

Phone, wiht bluetooth

Yes I finally got a new phone, with bluetooth camera mp3 and some other stuff. I've been messing with it for the pass 2 days.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

New Theme.

I redesigned the theme for the blog, so change your votes for the poll, actually, i might delete it... oh well, I'm going to sleep now cuz i have to wake up early tomorrow. I hope the theme looks good. Also, the wierd linear will be fixed soon.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Not good

I spent the past 2 days making a new banner. now, look what happened. I need to find a way to put it in the center, without touching anything else. Anyway, I got a new tablet, 8x6 inches, 1024 levels of pressure stuff like that.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I thought of a new slogan, just add hot water, its kinda simple and random

That was a bit random, it was from beautiful katamari.

I change my mind.

I won't change the theme on april, instead i will change it when i move to the new blog site(if you didn't know, i have a server on another computer), that will be when i move to my new house.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

sduig bnuia

This is a link to a test blog for my new skin. Go there and see if you like it. I have started a poll to choose a theme, I will check the poll on May for the results.


Mum suggested I get dad to send money to buy a tablet here instead of getting a game. I think it is pretty worth it. I mean, would you rather get a game or a tablet? Also, the chinese results are not out yet...

Tuesday, March 4, 2008


I haven't posted since Thursday... I'm not getting lazy, it's just that I have been playing Call of Duty 4 Mass Effect and studying for the chinese test today...I think that I have already gotten at least 35/50, maybe 40? Well I hope I will get that upgrade.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The new comic

Yea the new comic is better cause I used flash to do it in school(during free time after completing lesson). It was a little rushed so the idea, is not that good...

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

2 days late

Today is Wednesday(duh...), I have not posted since I got Call of Duty 4, been playin it and studying for ting xie. Call of Duty 4 is pretty cool, chaotic. It's like reload shoot throw grenade shoot throw back grenade shoot charge stab... stuff like that. Really intense. I just finished a level after studying my ting xie(i just finished learning all of it going through again tomorrow). The comics still suck though... Need to get my computer back up really soon... Also, my ear hurts.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Comic

Woo! I got a webcomic up, e sure to visit it Alt+F4 My com is still down so the comics are still drawn by paint. Later on, I might end up having a story to go with it. Also, it won't be uploaded daily.


I realised that half of all you 21 readers visit about twice a day(21 IPs 29 clicks). Also, 1/2 of you use mozilla version 5, 1/4 use IE version 6 and another1/4 use IE version 7. One of you uses a Mac and the rest use Windows XP. 2/3 of you use flash version 9 and the rest use 8. Most of you have a resolution of 1024 x 768 but some have higher resolution settings eg. 1280 x 1024. All your javascript versions are around 1.5 (1.3, 1.5 and 1.7). Thats about all of the details I have of you guys, not including what you do in my site, post comments, where you go afterwards, where you live, your country, the forms you fill up here(if any)...

The Flyer and Airshow.

Yesterday I did not post anything because the moment I got home, ate lunch, and changed, my uncle picked me up to go to the flyer for a 30 min 'flight' above singapore(they said enjoy your flight before we went into the cabin), followed by an early dinner at 6, then shopping around - Something I realised though is that at almost any store selling models and plastic figurines would have at least one display rack of girls in sick poses, wearing either bikini or wripped clothes and strings. Also, there is always a column full of small bags of tini WWII amunition. After the shopping, I went home took a shower, watched some TV for like 15 mins and went to sleep.

Today, I went to the Singapore Airshow. The Black Knights were white in colour(wtf?). Also, I saw the F-35 Raptor, the F-18 Hornet, some UAV's, F-16, the A380 and some others. Almost all the people there had pwnage cameras over $1000. Well the show was really good, but the food wasn't, the fish and chips was wierd and costed $9. The fish was not skinned, the fishy smell was still there, the crust tasted like it was gued on with mucus and was soggy, the fries were really salty and powderry after eating a few of them. Oh well. Now I'm back and the laptop rolled itself back like 2 weeks or more, don't know whether my stuff is still there...

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Poor Guy

Hah This is a flash I made, I don't know if it works but if you see it, it's kinda sadisticish... Well enjoy?
EDIT: It doesn't work. And I can't fix it. The laptop is not working and thats the only place where I have my flash stuff. I need to reupload it after the laptop is fixed.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


I haven't posted yesterday. Thats because the computer broke down, the power box blew. Mum(sounds really squeker huh?) replaced it for $60. It's her com I'm using, partly cause I just moved here last month and I'm not unpacking it until I move to Punggol again on April. Also, it's broken down. So now I'm using mum's com or AfroToast's laptop. But, my mum made a deal with me, she'll upgrade it with 2GB RAM, a new hard drive(probably 80GB), a geforce graphics card(one of the newer one's(I haven't checked which one)) and a better sound card(I don't know which one partly cause I don't look at them). IF I pass my chinese with at least 65% and up. The upgrades and stuff will cost about $700(just like a brand new xbox 360). Now, I'm speaking chinese at home almost all the time. I'm not typing in chinese because it'll take to long with the hanyu pinging and all. Its 9.20 now and I'm sleeping in 40 minutes. This is quite a long post huh?


That should have attracted some losers to read the whole post, I hope...

Monday, February 18, 2008

Dual Screen.

I hooked up my TV to my laptop. Now I have 2 screens. Really cool. This is a screenshot of it

This is the size of my screen now. Maximizing a program though, will fill up only one of the screens(half of the blue area). As you can see.

My Chinese sucks.

I just got my chinese results back tday. 10/50. Worst in class I think... Oh well.. I need to study it again. But I can't find my shouche? is it spelled that way? Anyway, its the vocab handbook thing. I can't learn the first 2 mistakes without it so I skipped it. Learned the first page today. going to next page tomorrow. And so on. There are 4 pages altogether. Here's a scan of it.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Isometric, Perspective and 2D

It's saturday. I'm gonna be watching Jumper afterwards. And I drew a cube in 3 different views. Which one do you want me to talk about?


NO! Okay I'll do the cube. Because theres nothing much to talk about it, I just need to show you the picture. So here it is:

Ignore the Newspaper background, I was planning to use it to cut the picture out but I couldn't find the time.